Donate Now: Speak Up for Calvary Hospital
Your gift to the Canberra Declaration will help us continue to speak up for Calvary Hospital in Canberra. The mission of the Canberra Declaration is to protect religious freedom, preserve free speech, protect life, support family, promote prayer, restore our Judeo-Christian foundations, and safeguard our children. Calvary Hospital is a major part of this fight at this moment. It is crucial to understand that these battles are related. You cannot fight one without the other. The team at the Canberra Declaration and Australian Heart Ministries, who underwrite the important work of the Canberra Declaration, thank you for your investment in our nation and our children’s future. Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35
Thank you for your kind gift.
When giving through the online form above, your donation will appear on your statement as a payment to Canberra Declaration through the payment gateway called STRIPE.
You can also use any of these methods.
Account Name: Australian Heart Ministries
Account: 350619
BSB: 032695
Reference: ‘your name CD‘
Bank: Westpac
Branch: Wollongong
Please email if you require a receipt.
Make your cheques payable to ‘Australian Heart Ministries‘ and send to
Australian Heart Ministries
PO Box 378
Unanderra NSW 2526
Please indicate if you require a receipt.
Or make a credit card donation by phoning:
Wollongong office on (02) 4272 9100 or 0418 225 212
Thank you for your support.