Power of Prayer


Power of Prayer: Personal Stories and Strategies for Mountain Moving Prayer

Kurt Mahlburg & Warwick Marsh
Paperback | 190 pages
ISBN: 978-1-922480-19-4

Available internationally as a paperback on Amazon and in Kindle format.

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God Moves Mountains When We Pray

What happens when people pray? In these pages, read the stories of almost one hundred Australians who did, and who saw God answer. Weaving miraculous testimonies with practical teaching, Power of Prayer will inspire you to a deeper walk with God, determination in your waiting, and faith that moves even the biggest mountains.

“This book will equip you and stir your heart.”
—Ps Margaret Court AO MBE, Former World Tennis Number One

Power of Prayer is a must-read.”
—Werner Nachtigal, International President, GO Movement

“I could not put it down.”
—Cindy McGarvie, National Director, Youth for Christ


I implore you not to underestimate your role as we stand united, humbly praying to Almighty God. It takes all of us. Now is the time to prioritise prayer! As you read this book, I trust it will equip you with practical strategies and also stir your heart with its wonderful testimonies. If this book is any indication, there is a groundswell of prayer in this time like no other, and I have a great expectation for a mighty outpouring of His Spirit.
Rev Margaret Court AC MBE, Senior Pastor Victory Life Centre, Perth, Former World Tennis Number One

Power of Prayer will help you achieve breakthrough in prayer and draw you deeper into your relationship with our heavenly Father. The testimonies of answered prayers show the incredible power and faithfulness of God which will release a desire for prayer in you. This book is a must-read for every Christian wanting to get to know God more and move mountains through prayer. Discover the power of prayer in your everyday life by reading this book.
Werner Nachtigal, International President, GO Movement

Warwick and Kurt have released this book at a crucial time in history. I believe that prayer is the secret weapon that many believers are yet to fully take hold of. Anything that encourages people to get breakthrough in prayer is so needed right now. I hope this book will find its way into the hands and hearts of many, and that we will see a revival of prayer!
Matt Prater, Pastor, New Hope Brisbane, Radio Host, Vision Christian Radio

If anyone doubts that God answers prayer, the evidence you need is in this book! It contains glorious testimonies of the Father’s goodness when we pray even the simplest of prayers. Its insightful teaching brings us into alignment with the words of James 5:16—“the effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much”. Warwick and Kurt help us understand how we should humbly position ourselves before God’s throne. The powerful testimonies from all over the nation will lift your faith to new levels. This is an important contribution to books on prayer in your library.
Ps Jenny Hagger AM, Founder and Director, Australian House of Prayer for All Nations

As finite mortals, it is sometimes easy to forget who we are praying to. But He is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe and there is nothing he cannot do. As a demonstration of His infinite love, He invites you and I to call Him ‘Father’. The extensive range of answered prayer documented in Power of Prayer will encourage you to be more aware of your responsibility to pray unceasingly.
Graham McDonald, Founder, DIDUNO Network

I casually began to read the Power of Prayer manuscript one evening before going to bed but I soon found I could not put it down. I jumped from one personal account to another, devouring the stories of hope from everyday people about their faith in action through prayer. I marvelled at the strange ways that prayers were answered—many in unexpected ways that could only be from God and His divine wisdom. This book was the refreshing injection of inspiration and encouragement that my soul needed. Read and be encouraged!
Cindy McGarvie, National Director, Youth for Christ

Prayer is one of the least understood aspects of the Christian faith. For many, it is a mystery. In this book, Kurt and Warwick have attempted to help readers understand prayer better by sharing from their own journey in prayer, and by sharing testimonies from those who have experienced answers to prayer. The testimonies are powerful because they give practical examples of what God can do when we pray. Be encouraged, be challenged, but above all be inspired to give it a go yourself.
Brian Pickering, National Coordinator, Australian Prayer Network

Sharing testimonies of answered prayer to the living God brings new people into Jesus’ kingdom and inspires those already in the kingdom. Most importantly, according to Revelation 12:11, such testimonies defeat the humanistic, anti-Christ spirit so prevalent in the nations today. This key book by my dear friends Warwick Marsh and Kurt Mahlburg is a timely and powerful spiritual weapon to awaken many and turn them to the Lord Jesus Christ in these end times. Praying to Jesus, believing that He will honour His Word, and walking by faith in Him needs to be practiced by all of us. When we do, He works great and mighty deeds and mountains are moved.
Ps Jeffrey Daly, Founder, National Day of Repentance, Director, Jesus Christ Fellowship, California

Power of Prayer is an amazing gift to the body of Christ. All Christians need to understand God’s heart for us to pray to shift nations, mountains and lives through prayer and fasting. We have discovered repeatedly in Australia that national corporate prayer and fasting shifts nations. Kurt and Warwick have provided an excellent resource to equip you with strategic prayer to enable you to shift and change your lives and our nation for the glory of God. The testimonies of answered prayer will lift your faith to believe for miracles in your own prayer life. As Revelation 19:10 says, “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”. The most important prayer that you and I can pray to see revival is Matthew 9:38—“Ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers into his harvest field.” It is indeed harvest time! It is indeed time to pray! This book will bless you and motivate you to pray.
Bruce Lindley, Founding Apostle, ARC Global Apostolic Community

Oswald Chambers once said, “Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” The inspiring stories found in this vital volume amply demonstrate this truth. Without prayer, we will struggle and our work will be in vain. But with it, we can see mountains moved. Warwick and Kurt deserve our thanks for assembling these stirring stories. They will encourage us to do what J. C. Ryle desired: “Let us resolve by God’s grace that, however feeble and poor our prayers may seem to us, we will pray on.”
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

Prayer is powerful. This is true. Prayer connects us to Jesus, the Lord and Giver of life. Kurt and Warwick have done an outstanding job sharing with us this truth. From inspirational stories to relevant Scriptures and theological insights, these two men have woven together a message that will motivate all who read it. Kurt and Warwick haven’t just written about it—they live this life and walk this journey. Both have experienced our amazing God as One who is powerful.
Rev Matt Ransom, Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church, Pearce, ACT

Reflecting on this inspirational book, it is apparent that we must be desperate with God. God answers prayer when we cry out to Him. God’s timing is perfect at an individual, corporate and national level. When God doesn’t answer prayer immediately it is often to keep us patient and humble. Faith is essential in prayer. Be blessed as you read Power of Prayer.
Dr Graham McLennan, Chairman, National Alliance of Christian Leaders, Founder, Christian History Research

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Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 20.9 × 14.4 × 1.4 cm


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