The Canberra Declaration is a diverse network of over 90,000 Aussies who love their country. We share a vision for a better and greater Australia. Together, we are a powerful voice to our federal and state leaders on policies protecting freedom, family, faith, culture and life.

Join our national network now to make a difference and have your voice heard for a fair and safe Australia.


We defend the vital rights of all Australians to freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and freedom of religion. These freedoms are foundational to an inclusive democracy and are the lifeblood of our nation. We oppose any legislation which effectively denies or limits these freedoms.

Protect our freedom and democratic rights.


Marriage, as in our Constitution, is the wellspring for our nation’s families. Healthy, happy and loving families are the foundation-stones of our nation. Our children need their families support to succeed and to flourish. Our families are our future.

Join us to protect Australian families.


Australia is an inclusive society which freely welcomes people from around the world to contribute to our Commonwealth. The Constitution upon which our justice, freedom and prosperity are founded was forged with Christian ideals.

Join us to preserve our faith and culture.


We believe that all human life – being made in the image of God – has intrinsic and equal value from conception to life’s natural end. The test of the morality of a society is based on the way it treats its most vulnerable and innocent members – including the unborn, the aged and the disabled.

Protect human life; sign the Canberra Declaration now.

Stand Up for Aussie Values

The Canberra Declaration community believes that Australian Values are inspired by our Judeo- Christian values. Today, these values are being eroded and attacked and, with it, our quality of life. Countless Australians are not experiencing the ‘fair go’. That’s why we need to make a stand for freedom, family, faith and life. Join the Canberra Declaration and add the power of your voice to a movement fighting for a fair and safe Australia.